In accordance with the provisions of the current regulations on personal data protection, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (GDP R) and the Organic Law (ES) 3/2018 of 5 December (LOPD), we inform you that Calpe Town Council is responsible for the processing of your data. The personal data that you enter through the website are obligatory for inclusion in the "Calpe tourist website user file", and the owner of the data is responsible for their accuracy.
The purpose of the aforementioned file is the management of the website users for access to the different services of the website and the sending of promotional tourist communications via e-mail. The legitimacy for the use of data is based on the execution of a contract or provision of services. They will not be passed on to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so. The data will be destroyed once you communicate your cancellation and/or once the legal retention periods have expired. Interested parties may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, oblivion, portability and limitation of processing by means of written notification to the following address: Pza. del Mosquit, s/n. 03710 Calp, Alicante.
Your data will be processed for the purpose of managing the communications made via email of the services provided or the activities carried out by the Responsible.