On May 15th, 1878, the facilities - the washing place, hut, siphons, and other complementary works - were opened, after taking two years to complete the underground piping from the Pou Roig well.

Those responsible for "la Font", who lived in the hut that was there, accepted the task of charging users five cents for each two jugs of water and between 25 and 50 cents to do laundry. Starting in the 1940s, water began to be delivered to homes on horseback and in carts designed for this purpose, until 1963, when the town was equipped with running water due to the considerable population increase.
In late 1998, restoration works began and unearthed the two basins of the washing place that were buried in order to build the current avenue.
The reconstruction, designed by artists Elías Úrbez and Esteban Juárez, includes the construction of a portico or "riurau", which houses the basins of the old washing place, as well as the restoration of the hut where the taps were located, and the creation of a landscaped area.